Membership Information


TMRS offers 4 different types of membership.


1. Individual Membership

2. Corporate Membership (Marketing Research Company)

3. Corporate Membership (General Company)

4. Student Membership



Qualifications for an individual member is that the individual must hold, or have held a position of responsibility in the field of market research and/or business management whether in a private firm, state enterprise, government agency, association or legal entity, or as a University teacher academic. A Corporate Foundation Member must be a market research company that conducts research in Thailand and/or abroad. Each Corporate Foundation company may appoint a company executive as their TMRS representative. A Corporate Member must be an institution/organization that commissions research in Thailand or abroad, a private business, state enterprise, government agency, registered association or educational institution. Each Corporate institution/organization may appoint an executive as their TMRS representative. A Student Member must be an undergraduate or graduate student at any university or college, accredited by the Education Ministry or University Affairs Office in Thailand or abroad. The TMRS reserves the right to approve membership. TMRS rejects the membership of individuals, companies or institutions that do not comply with the Society's Code of Conduct, have caused damage to the reputation of the society or the country, are mentally imbalanced, have been discharged from employment due to criminal or severe disciplinary reasons, or have been imprisoned (unless acquitted, imprisoned for political reasons or reasons adjudged to be civil rather than criminal in nature)